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I’m a Specialist Respiratory Nurse at a hospital in Manchester. I look after patients with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and form treatment plans to try and prevent these patients from coming to hospital.
In early 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, I worked on my old ward as a Respiratory Nurse looking after patients with COVID-19, on CPAP and who required a high amount of oxygen.
Make and enjoy time with friends and make as many memories as possible. Don’t stress too much on grades and exams – there are many paths to what you would like to do in life.
I’m proud of my career, which has become more apparent due to the horrible circumstances of COVID-19. However, I’m mostly proud of what my career has enabled me to do in my personal life. Thanks to the finances and security my career has given me I’ve been able to travel and see parts of the world that my 18-year-old self really wanted to go to!