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South Craven School’s mission is for all students to achieve their personal best.
In careers education this translates to every student making the correct choices for their own progression. We support students in making informed decisions by providing access to differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options that are most likely to help them to achieve their ambitions.
By helping students with decisions at key stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to various industries, we aim to prepare them for the world of work whichever pathway they choose.
We are committed to providing a careers programme which meets the requirements of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
A Careers Leader will ensure the leadership and coordination of a high-quality careers programme. The Careers Advisor will work with the Careers Leader to organise workshops for students and actively promote the careers service in house and at alternative venues. The name and contact details of the careers team is published below.
The Headteacher and Careers team will work with enterprise coordinators to build careers and employer engagement plans to broaden the range of guidance that pupils have access to.
The governing board, in conjunction with the headteacher and careers leader, will review the careers policy on an annual basis, considering the success of supporting students in accessing post 16 education and training.
To ensure our students are at the heart of the careers programme, it is important that continuous reflection and evaluation is done by all stakeholders to find out what improvements need to be implemented. We value our students and parents/carers input, therefore we do evaluations through online platforms to get their views on how the careers programme can be improved.
Our NEET figure at 16 and 18 is very low which shows Careers Education and Independence Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is embedded in what we do.
Mrs Burton can be found in the Careers Hub in the Dales building. She is available for student drop-ins every break and lunchtime from Monday-Thursday. Parent drop-ins take place Thursday after school.
She can offer advice, help and feedback on:
If you would like to book a drop-in session, please fill out the contact form below and Mrs Burton will get back to you.
Mrs Andrea Taylor | Deputy Headteacher/SLT Strategic Careers Lead | |
Mrs Margaret Burton | Careers and Work Experience Lead Careers Adviser (Level 6 Qualified) |
Email 01535 639775 |
Mrs Corinne Strelitze | Careers Administrator | Email 01535 639780 |
Mrs Paula Andrews | Sixth Form Support Manager Responsibility for UCAS and Higher Education |
Email 01535 639723 |
Miss Hannah Hickman | Aspirations Coordinator Support with applications for competitive university courses All years |
Email 01535 632861 |
Mrs Ruth Smith | Sixth Form Support Manager Responsibility for Apprenticeships |
Email 01535 639727 |
Mrs Ruth Arslan | Trustee for Careers |
Enterprise workers from local businesses such as Yorkshire Water and The Merchant Navy regularly support the school's Careers Programme.
South Craven School's Careers Programme will be next reviewed in September 2025.
Careers Education, Advice & Guidance
Progression Timeline (All Years)
For further information on our Careers Programme, please see our Provider Access Legislation.