There will be regular end of topic assessments in class or in the Study Centre which will focus on key areas so that clear feedback is given on a regular basis and students know how to improve.
There will be Year 12 and Year 13 mock exams, but the only externally graded exams happen at the end of Year 13. There is no coursework for A level Biology.
Throughout the course you will develop your practical skills and complete 12 required practicals to work towards a practical endorsement, which is additional to the A level qualification.
You can find more information here:
Paper 1
You will be assessed by a 2-hour written exam worth 91 marks/35% of your A Level.
There will be short and long answer questions (76 marks) and extended response questions (15 marks).
Sections 1-4 are assessed, including relevant practical skills.
Paper 2
You will be assessed by a 2-hour written exam worth 91 marks/35% of your A Level.
There will be short and long answer questions (76 marks) and extended response questions (15 marks).
Sections 5-8 are assessed, including relevant practical skills.
Paper 3
You will be assessed by a 2-hour written exam worth 78 marks/30% of your A Level.
There will be a mix of structured questions including practical techniques (38 marks), critical analysis of given experimental data (15 marks) and one essay from a choice of two titles (25 marks).
Sections 1-8 are assessed, including relevant practical skills.
For information on all our enrichment opportunities, please see our enrichment programme here.
Cranedale Residential Fieldcourse
We go to Cranedale Residential centre (near Malton, York) for three days and two nights to study a variety of ecosystems and carry out several ecological surveys.
Whilst there, we complete one of the required practicals which counts towards the practical endorsement part of the A level course.
Courses you could study at university include:
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Bio-Veterinary
- Dentistry
- Ecology and Conservation
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Neuroscience
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Paramedic Science
- Radiography
- Sports Science
- Zoology
Careers which require a Biology qualification include:
- Academic Researcher
- Biotechnologist
- Conservation and Habitat Management
- Dentistry
- Doctor
- Ecologist
- Marine Biologist
- Midwifery
- Microbiologist
- Nanotechnologist
- Nature Conservation Officer
- Nursing
- Pharmacologist
- Research Scientist
- Science Communications Officer
- Scientific Laboratory Technician
- Teaching