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- Young Carers
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Sixth Form and hope that in whatever capacity you are reading this you will recognise the strengths, achievements and potential that exists within our school. We are a true comprehensive school and are proud of all our students, both in their academic achievements and in their extracurricular successes.
Our agenda in the Sixth Form is simple; we want to be the best we can be and help every one of our students progress to appropriate places. Our destination reports for previous years clearly show that our students are equipped and prepared for successful careers in a range of disciplines.
Our aim is to develop a lifelong love of learning in all students and inspire them to achieve their full potential. We constantly review the delivery of fantastic teaching and create a curriculum that provides challenge and enrichment opportunities for all. Academic performance is a vital part of education, but it is no means the whole story; we want all students to find an interest and to develop whatever talents they possess.
Our extensive links with the wider community are regarded as a huge asset by the many individuals and groups who want to take advantage of its resources, including students looking for specialist work experience or advice.
We hope that our website demonstrates the wide variety of opportunities offered at South Craven. If you cannot find the information you require, simply contact us and either myself or one of my colleagues will be eager to help.