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The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering is a vocational course designed for students considering a career in any branch of Engineering.
During the course you will gain knowledge and skills which will prepare you for a career, or further study, in the Engineering sector. The BTEC Diploma is equivalent to two A Levels.
Most sessions will be taught in the Eastburn Building – our Engineering, Training and Skills Centre – which hosts CADCAM facilities and two superbly equipped engineering workshops. Although not necessary, a GCSE qualification in Physics would be advantageous due to the demands in some units.
Entry Requirements
Curriculum Detail - Engineering/Product Design
You will be assessed through a combination of internally and externally assessed coursework, which may include the production of portfolios, presentations, practical projects and teacher observations.
Feedback will help you to see the strengths of your work, as well as allowing you to reflect on areas which can be developed further.
For each unit you complete you will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grade.
As this qualification is equivalent to two A-levels, you will also be awarded an overall grade.
Courses you could study at university include:
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Careers which require an Engineering qualification include:
You need to complete these tasks over Summer to prepare you for your studies.