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I manage a tuition centre in Bradford Greengates.
I started South Craven as Nicole Walton and studied at Leeds City College for my A Levels, before going to the University of Winchester. Whilst at Winchester I transitioned and became my university’s Equality and Diversity Officer.
I’ve spent a lot of time volunteering and coordinating a charity to help younger people through their thoughts and feelings surrounding their gender identity and sexuality.
Hold yourself accountable for your actions and accept feedback as a way to improve yourself rather than taking it personally.
Love who you want to love and don’t let anyone try to diminish your passion for learning, as it will take you on the best life journey.
I’m proud of who I’ve become over the years, which wouldn’t have been possible without the help of my teachers at South Craven. The staff in the Performance, English and Sports departments all found something in me which I hadn’t had the opportunity to unlock in my earlier years - they ultimately unlocked my passions in life, which have guided me to where I am today.
I’ve become a self-reflective person who can think of past decisions or scenarios and hold myself accountable for what I could do better next time. This has helped me in my career path which requires me to understand myself so I can be a good listener and help others.
I’m also proud of overcoming challenges I faced throughout my education – I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at the age of 19 which came to fruition when I was at university, which I left with a Combined (HONS) Degree in Education Studies with Drama (2:1), which was an incredible achievement. I was the first generation from my family to attend university.