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I am a Performing Arts teacher at a secondary school in Bradford, a job that I love.
After leaving South Craven School I studied Theatre and Performance at the University of Leeds. I then continued my studies at the University of Huddersfield and qualified with a PGCE and QTS.
I wanted to be a teacher due to my teachers at South Craven that helping and supporting. They were a true inspiration and a massive support network throughout my teenage years. They showed me what I was capable of and supported me on my journey.
I knew I wanted to be in the Performing Arts world from a young age. As I progressed through South Craven, it became obvious that I wanted to teach secondary school children. No day is the same when working in a secondary school. You may teach the same scheme of work every year, but the learners are different. The students I am lucky enough to teach are very interesting and, in some cases, inspiring. The most enjoyable part of my job is the learners themselves. It’s great to see students enjoying my lessons and getting excited when they are able to do something new such as playing a new piece of music, performing in front of the class or working with a new group of people. It’s so fulfilling to know I have made a difference to that learner’s life that day, praised a student for their best work, or have helped them to understand their work and comfortably execute it.
Trust and believe in yourself. Trust in the adults that care about you, such as your teachers and parents - they have your best interests at heart.
I am most proud of my journey. I spent most of my childhood years in the care system and began to follow a slippery slope within my teenage years. I’m so proud of what I’ve achieved and how far I’ve come - I have my teachers at South Craven School to thank for that.
I have a beautiful family - a daughter, a stepdaughter and another baby on the way. I achieved my BA Hons in Theatre and Performing Arts at the University of Leeds, where I had the best time and chose some exciting modules. I got to work alongside the Leeds Art Gallery, which housed Leonardo DaVinci’s work at the time. I was lucky enough to study his work and create a performance alongside the works. I then followed with my degree with a PGCE and QTS.
I couldn’t picture myself doing anything else but teaching the next generation of gifted actors, dancers and musicians.