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An EPQ is an opportunity for you to undertake a piece of independent research, guided by tutors.
Your project can be chosen from four types; dissertation, investigation, performance or artefact.
Entry RequirementsGrade 4 in GCSE English Language |
You must be doing A Level Psychology to choose this option.
You do not need to be studying A Level/BTEC Performance to choose this option.
EPQ demonstrates your ability to work independently, your willingness to expand your knowledge in an area of interest and your mastery of many of the skills necessary for success in Higher Education, training or employment. Due to this it is valued by universities, work based training and employers.
The EPQ gives you another topic to discuss on your personal statement, particularly if your project relates to your choice of career or course at university. However, you do not have to choose an EPQ that relates directly to your later studies
EPQ is worth UCAS points, which will support an application to university. Each EPQ grade is awarded 50% of the UCAS points awarded to that same grade A Level. This is higher than AS grades which are awarded 40%, so a grade in EPQ will gain more UCAS points than the same grade at AS.
Although marks in EPQ are awarded for the final product (essay, investigation, performance or artefact), the majority of the marks are awarded for how you have gone about developing, presenting and evaluating your work.
Throughout this process you will be supported by a tutor who will work with you closely, often on an individual basis. Your tutor will help you follow your own interests and develop skills that will support both your other Sixth Form studies and your future.