What do you do now?
I am completing my initial teacher training to become a qualified teacher and hopefully teach PE in a secondary school.
After leaving South Craven I went on to do my undergraduate degree at Edge Hill University, which I graduated from with a First Class BA (Hons) in Physical Education and School Sport. My decision to become a teacher was down to the role models I had in school, particularly my PE teachers. They inspired me to do well and encouraged a motivated drive in doing well in my BTEC subjects, so I could receive the grades I wanted for university. I remember talking to two teachers during a Sixth Form Evening who spoke about subjects that would guide me towards a PE career and which universities proseper in teaching, which prompted me to apply to Edge Hill.
I chose secondary teaching over primary due to the positive experiences and opportunities I gained in PE during secondary school, both as a student and young sports leader. I would like to offer pupils the chance to widen their opportunities, holistic development and adapt their key skills. A typical day on my Initial Teacher Training (ITT) course includes planning lessons for two days in advance and teaching gymnastics, netball, hockey and/or health-related fitness to Key Stage 3 and 4.
I have enjoyed every minute of my educational journey, from secondary school all the way up to higher education, and have been thankful for the support given by my teachers and lecturers during my transition from a school to university environment.
What advice would you give your 17-year old self?
Take every opportunity, don't hold back and just keep moving forward. The support will always be there from family, friends and those who want you to do well.
What are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of the person I’ve become and my end goal of being a secondary school teacher. I’m also proud of achieving the Distinction* grade I received from Sixth Form and leaving university with a First Classification.