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I am working on my ACA studies to become a chartered accountant, where I only have one exam left to complete.
After leaving school at 18 I went straight into work and studying, completing an apprenticeship at a well-known local accountancy firm. I completed my AAT (Accounting exams) first before moving on to my ACA studies.
I chose the apprenticeship route so I could work and earn a competitive salary whilst studying. I could also end up in the same role without attending university.
I most enjoy visiting clients and looking at how to improve their business, alongside work activities which involve conference trips to London. I also like the technical aspect, where there are complex issues that need to be calculated.
Believe in yourself. I think my decisions in Sixth Form worked out well and for the best for me and my career. Not going to university was a different choice from many of my friends, but I’m glad I chose it as I really enjoy my apprenticeship.
That I’ll hopefully be a fully qualified chartered account by the age of 24. This will allow me to progress to advanced roles and open doors in a quickly-changing industry.