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I’m an Architectural Assistant, Graduate Ambassador and content creator for Stephen George & Partners, which is part of the Architects Journal top 100 firms in the UK.
I work across a variety of sectors such as Logistics, Interiors and Transport Design but I specialise in healthcare. This includes assisting with the design of hospitals, GP services and other medical facilities. The work can be very demanding and requires me to constantly learn and adapt, but it is ultimately fulfilling to know that at the end of the day you’ve done something that will benefit hundreds (if not thousands) of people and nothing can compare to that feeling.
To sum up – I get to play Sims in real life and see what I help design on a computer come to life. I try to provide a better environment for those who truly deserve the best. It’s an honour for me to do what I do.
Don’t be afraid of taking chances - everything you dream of is on the other side of that leap taken. Don’t let your environment dictate what person you become.
You write the story of your life; you may endure some challenges along the way, but it is just your origin story unfolding before you, so don’t stop until you’re the hero you needed.
There are many moments I’m proud of, like passing university and getting my job, but what I’m most proud of is overcoming any doubt I had in my mind about not being able to achieve what I dreamed of achieving.