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Sixth Form Application Form
Monday 25th November 2024
Tuesday 31st December 2024
To enter South Craven Sixth Form you need to have achieved 9-4 (A*-C) at GCSE, or Merits in other level 2 qualifications (e.g. BTEC, OCR Nationals), in at least five separate subjects including English Literature/Language or Maths. This is considered to be the minimum entry requirement. If you are taking a reduced programme e.g. due to illness, an adjustment will be made and an offer made which recognises this situation. Each subject also has specific entry requirements (see below).
If you believe that you cannot meet any requirement because of the curriculum you are following, you should discuss this with the Head of Sixth Form or Head of Year 11 (internal applicants only). A conditional offer may be agreed in these cases, but this must be done before GCSE results are known.
Offers are made on actual grades i.e. you must gain the grades to meet the Minimum Entry Requirement for South Craven Sixth Form.
Attitude to independent and classroom learning will also be taken into consideration, as well as behaviour and attendance when offers are made. References should be provided for external students.
Under our core curriculum you can choose 3 A Levels, BTECs or a mixture of the two. You should think about where you are gaining success at the moment. If your BTEC grades are better than your GCSE grades this is a strong indication that you should choose a largely BTEC programme. This can be supplemented with an EPQ.
If you want extra challenge, then you can opt for our curriculum plus. This would mean studying three outcomes plus either a fourth A Level or Core Maths (AS) or EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). Further Maths is also available for top mathematicians in the Upper Sixth. An Extended Project allows you to do a piece of research or performance on a subject of your choice. Many university courses accept the EPQ as equivalent to an AS, and those who do not, generally look favourably on students who have done research in the area that they have chosen to study.
All our courses are Level 3 qualifications.
Sixth Form Subject Offer 2025
Entry Requirements 2024-25