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Studying Design and Technology at South Craven offers an exciting challenge in which you will develop the complex knowledge and practical skill to pursue further education or enter a career within the industry.
Our highly successful department will be delivering the new AQA Design and Technology: Product Design specification. To be delivered over two years, this exciting qualification will continually push and challenge you to consider and respond to current observations of the world we live in.
Entry Requirements Grade 5 in GCSE Design Technology OR Merit in WJEC Level 2 Engineering |
Curriculum Detail - Engineering/Product Design
Following a period of investigation, you will develop your own brief and produce a final prototype demonstrating your ability to respond to a problem. A keen interest in all things design is a must as is a genuine ability to problem-solve.
You will be assessed on your ability to explore, design, make, analyse and evaluate.
You will be assessed through a 2-hour-long examination.
There is a mixture of short answers, multiple choice and extended response.
You will be assessed on your knowledge of product analysis (short answer) and commercial manufacture (extended response).
There is a mixture of up to six short answer questions and two extended response questions.
You will be assessed through a controlled assignment.
The brief will be written by students.
Courses you could study at university include:
Careers which require a Product Design qualification include:
You need to complete these tasks over Summer to prepare you for your studies.