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This course is an active and enjoyable way to study sport and gain an understanding of the sporting industry.
The programme content will involve a range of anatomy and physiology, fitness testing, sports leadership, psychology, practical sports and sport in the community.
We aim to provide you with opportunities to carry out practical work and develop skills and appropriate knowledge to enable progression to both Higher Education and employment.
Entry RequirementsGrade 4 in GCSE PE OR Merit in BTEC Level 2 Sport |
You will complete a wide variety of assignments and can be assessed in a number of different ways.
Sometimes you are assessed to undertake practical demonstrations. You can also be asked to produce written booklets and give written or verbal presentations.
Assessment for this course is based on the achievement of specified outcomes and will be internally assessed and externally verified coursework as well as 3 externally assessed written exams.
Each unit will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction and attributes a certain number of points.
The final grade will be based on the total number of points gained over the units.
For information on all our enrichment opportunities, please see our enrichment programme here.
Courses you could study at university include:
Careers which require a Sport qualification include:
You need to complete these tasks over Summer to prepare you for your studies.