The transfer to Sixth Form is a new and exciting time for students but we appreciate that it can be confusing too – both for them and for parents/carers.
With this in mind, we want to invite you to our Year 12 Induction Evening on Thursday 12th September from 6.00pm-7:00pm in Fells Theatre.
Students do not need to attend this event.
There will be a presentation in Fells Hall, where Mr Hill (Headteacher) plus Caroline Taylor (Head of Sixth Form) and myself will explain the expectations we have for our students as well as highlighting some important dates in the year. After this, you will have the opportunity to go to the Sixth Form Centre to chat with some of our other staff who will be involved in your child’s Sixth Form experience. Their form tutor/coach will be present for you to meet and ask any questions you may have. There will also be an opportunity to discuss progression options, including apprenticeships, University and employment.
You will be able to speak with our Sixth Form Support Manager regarding the 16-19 bursary and financial support available. We believe that by involving parents in the students’ education, we can help them to achieve their full potential.
If your child came from another school and had any additional provision with regard to exams e.g. access arrangements, extra time etc. we would appreciate it if you could provide us with any evidence from your child’s previous school for our Exams Officer to ensure we have all support in place by Christmas. If they have had any support from external agencies, e.g. school nurse or CAMHS, we are more than happy to continue should it be required. If this is the case, please let me know.
Mrs B Truelove