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Congratulations to all the students in Year 13 who have achieved an excellent set of results in their A level and Level 3 Vocational courses this year. Considering the amount of disruption this cohort has had to deal with, the school is delighted that a huge number of students have achieved the outcomes they needed to successfully progress to the next stage of their lives.
Headteacher Martyn Hill said, “We are so proud of the achievements of our Year 13 students, especially after the extra challenges they have faced in recent years. I want to congratulate all our students and extend my congratulations and thanks to parents and families who have provided such strong support. I also want to thank the staff at South Craven who worked tirelessly to ensure the students achieved their academic potential and enjoyed so much success.”
Head of Sixth Form Caroline Taylor said, “It has been lovely to see the Year 13 students in school today to collect their results. They have all shown incredible resilience over the last few years and they are now reaping the rewards as they move on to their next adventure. I am very proud of each and every one of them and wish them all the luck in the world for their futures.”
Year 13 students from the school will be progressing to study at a range of universities. Examples include The University of Sheffield (Mechanical Engineering), The University of York (Psychology), Leeds Beckett University (Law), University of Nottingham (Veterinary Medicine), Leeds Conservatoire (Performing Arts), University of Liverpool (Biological Science), Newcastle University (Computer Science), Bangor University (Zoology) and international study in the USA (Sport).
We are also proud that many students will be taking up a number of apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of settings including Nestlé, Produmax, Ex-Pressed Steel Panels, Peel Entertainment and Guyson International.
Once again, we would like to pass on our congratulations and wish the best of luck to our amazing class of 2023, wherever the future may take them!