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Well done to our Year 11 and 13 students on their fantastic GCSE, A level and Level-2/Level-3 vocational qualifications results!
Headteacher Mr Hill said: "We are very proud of the achievements of our Year 11 students, and I would like to congratulate every single one of them for their hard work, focus, resilience and fabulous attitudes throughout their time in school. We are very proud of the achievements of our Year 13 students, especially considering the challenges they have faced throughout their years in school. I want to congratulate all of them and extend my congratulations and gratitude to parents, carers and families who have supported them so strongly. I also want to thank the staff at South Craven, who work so hard to ensure students achieve their potential and achieve such success."
Mr Hughes, Head of Year 11, added: “I am so proud of the year group's achievements. The students have worked so hard and deserve all their success. I wish them all the best for the future.”
Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Taylor, added: "Year 13 have worked so hard over the last two years, and I want to congratulate each and every one of them. Their hard work has paid off and they are now ready for their next adventure. I want to wish them all the very best of luck with their future plans and I would love them all to stay in touch."
Many Year 11 students will be returning in September to start Sixth Form courses, while others will be progressing to local colleges and onto apprenticeship placements.
Year 13 students will be going on to study at a wide range of universities, including Queens College Oxford to study history; the University of Sheffield to study chemistry; the University of Huddersfield to study graphic design, the University of Leeds to study a gateway to medicine and the University of Lincoln to study dance. Many students will be also be taking up high quality apprenticeships and degree apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of settings, including Yorkshire Housing horticulture and landscaping; Rolls-Royce, Mott MacDonald civil engineering and Fives Landis Ltd for engineering.