Stakeholder Engagement in New MAT

South Craven School

Engagement on the proposal to be a founding partner in the formation of a new Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

Welcome to our Trust consultation and engagement webpage.

South Craven School, The Pennine Trust in Colne (Colne Park High, Blacko Primary, Laneshaw Bridge Primary and Lord Street Primary) and Pendle Vale College in Nelson are proposing to join together to form a new multi-academy trust. This organisation will serve young people across the Craven and East Lancashire regions. As we develop our plans for this new trust, we are keen to listen to the views of all of our stakeholders.

Why are we doing this?

Since 2011, South Craven School has really benefitted from being a Single Academy Trust (SAT), developing our own strong systems and working practices and ensuring the best possible education and support for our students.

By creating a larger organisation with The Pennine Trust and Pendle Vale College, we will be able to improve our provision even further as we work alongside two good strong secondary schools and three good or outstanding primary schools. The new trust will have the capacity and resources to support school improvement within the schools involved and across the wider area.

The new trust will have a clear sense of purpose, to develop highly ambitious schools which will make a real difference for all the learners across our community. All the schools involved hold similar values and work to these in their day to day practice. This alignment means we can build a very strong organisation with a clear identity and approach matched to the community we serve. The interim name for the Trust during the consultation period is “Northern Roses” but this is not a final decision and may change.

The schools involved are also close geographically and easily reached within a 30-minute car journey. This will make collaboration and sharing resources very realistic and achievable.

As part of a larger trust ‘family’, each school will have access to the expertise that a bigger organisation can afford and the ability to influence policy and developments across the region.

What will this mean for each school?

We are not planning to make radical changes in any of our schools; they are all playing a successful and positive role in their communities.  After joining the new trust, the schools will have the same name, uniform and key staff as before.

However, over time, we will work to deliver increased school to school support and deliver efficiencies that will mean our staff can spend more of their time doing what matters most, teaching and supporting our young people.

Update on MAT progress

Stakeholders were made aware of the consultation and engagement period for The Pennine Trust, South Craven School and Pendle Vale College and their proposal to form a new Multi Academy Trust in April 2024. There was an opportunity for all stakeholders to hear and read more about the proposals.

The consultation and engagement period commenced on Monday 29th April 2024 and concluded on Monday 27th May 2024.


Seven events were held for staff, parents and carers, and other stakeholders which were attended by 185 people.

195 online survey returns were received.

Key themes of questioning asked by stakeholders (in the survey and face to face meetings)
  • Timing - How long will the process take? Will holidays and term dates align?
  • Governance and future growth – What will governance of the MAT look like and how will it work? Have the schools reassured themselves that all models have been explored? Who would be the CEO and make decisions about the schools?
  • How big will the MAT grow to and will there be geographical boundaries?
  • Finance – How will this be funded? What is the central offer? Will schools lose control of their own budgets? How will it improve funding in the schools?
  • Impact on learners – Will the schools adhere to the national curriculum? How will SEND work – will it be different?
  • Staffing – What will be the impact of the changes on staff contracts? Will staff be told to go and work in other schools? What will be the professional development opportunities?

Pendle Vale only:

What are the main differences between academies and maintained schools? What does it mean for pupils and is this something you have to do or is there a choice?

Responses to all points are included in the main consultation report in section 3.2

In conclusion

Based on the feedback and information received to date, the emerging conclusion that can be drawn is that there are no apparent legitimate reasons why academisation for Pendle Vale College and the development of the MAT for all three parties should not continue according to the timescales outlined. 

There is a view amongst trustees in all organisations that this will be a positive move for all of the schools, but this is not yet shared widely amongst all stakeholder groups, and leaders, trustees and governors recognise that ongoing discussions and dialogue are going to be important and that there is still much work to do.

Useful links
