South Craven’s Learning Support Team believe that every young person has the right to a wide and varied education as well as experiencing wherever possible the extra-curricular. However, we understand that some may need additional support in order to access the curriculum and overcome their barriers to learning. To do this each young person is seen as an individual with individual needs which need careful consideration. Therefore, South Craven’s Learning Support Team provide a range of support which is personalised.
Our aim is to create an inclusive environment in which we endeavour to provide all students with equal opportunities; to support students to become independent learners; and prepare them for adulthood. Learning Support’s success and the success of the young people with additional needs cannot always be measured by data. We know we have succeeded when a young person is as independent and happy in both their lesson and social time as possible.
We pride ourselves on the excellent communication links we forge with parents/carers, and professionals as communication is key in providing the best possible experience especially for those young people with additional needs.
For further information about what we offer, please do read the SEND Information Report; attend our Intake Open Evenings or contact by phone or email.
Mrs H Lowrie
Head of Learning Support
SEND Information Report 2023-24
Special Educational Needs Policy