Governance Professional |
Mrs Rachael Simeone |
Governance Professional |
"If you wish to contact a member of the Governors, please contact myself by sending an email to"
Trustees |
Mrs Emma Benn |
Chair of Governing Body & Trust Member |
"Having become a Parent Governor in 2012, I became Chair of Governors in 2018. I have two children who attended South Craven and flourished during their time here. I have worked in Financial Services for over 20 years in a variety of roles including integrations, sales and project management.
I have a keen interest in education and am committed to improving pupil outcomes and ensuring South Craven students receive the best possible all-round education to enable them to reach their full potential. Being a Governor at South Craven is a hugely rewarding experience, and I am incredibly proud to be part of such a vibrant, inclusive school."
Mr Terry Hawley |
Trust Member |
"I have been a governor at South Craven for over 18 years and vice-chair of the governing body. I am very proud to have seen all four of my children successfully through the school, with one of them graduating with a Masters in Nuclear Science from Cambridge University.
Until my recent retirement, I worked within the banking industry and my finance background and experience has proved invaluable.
I play a very active role as a governor and regularly visit the school in order to carry out health and safety inspections.
Sport features hugely in my personal life and in particular rugby. Apart from playing for over 40 years I also coached junior rugby for 20 years."
Mr David Harvey |
Trust Member |
"I have spent several years as a Governor of South Craven School during a period of substantial growth in the capabilities and infrastructure of the school. With over 35 years’ experience in the Financial Services Sector and more that 10 employed at a senior level at Skipton Building Society with risk assessment a primary focus, I believe the strengths and further development of the school will benefit from my continued involvement.
Seeing youngsters of varying capabilities and backgrounds benefit for the individual support the school provides is a source of constant pride one gets from being a Governor."
Mr Robert Bellfield |
Trust Member |
"I have recently retired as principal of Craven College after 37 years teaching agriculture and leading further education in Northumberland, Lancashire, North-East Scotland and Craven. I am currently Chief Executive of Craven Educational Trust, a member of the Management Committee of Craven PRS and a Settle Town Councillor.
I am keen to contribute and support the continued success of South Craven School and education in the Craven area."
Mr Colin Mellors |
Trust Member |
"I have worked at the Universities of Sheffield, Southampton, Bradford and York, moving into senior management as Pro-Vice Chancellor at Bradford and, subsequently, Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of York. I was founding chair of the Executive Board of Yorkshire Universities, a member of the Executive group of N8 and of the Executive Board of the White Rose University Research Consortium. I am now Emeritus Professor of Politics at the University of York.
Although a career academic, I have also had various public roles, including at the former Regional Development Agency (Yorkshire Forward) and as a NED on the Board of Government Office for Yorkshire & the Humber. I was a Board Member of the York, North Yorkshire & East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership from its inception until 2021 and chair of the area’s European Structural and Investment Funds Committee.
Currently, I am Chair of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England and also chair the Yorkshire Region Flood and Coastal Committee on behalf of Defra."
Trust Appointed Trustees |
Mrs Sam Cramby |
Vice Chair of Trustees
SEND/Health and Safety |
"I'm extremely proud to be governor of South Craven School. My son currently attends the school and my daughter is finishing her final year of university, having also attended South Craven.
My family have benefited from the opportunities the school offers, and I'm honoured to be part of a team that truly believes in making a difference to children's lives.
I have worked in the services and maintenance industry for the last 13 years and am currently the Operational Manager of a Leeds-based company. In addition to this I am involved locally with both the Girl Guides and Brownies."
Mrs Jane Ogston |
Finance |
"I am delighted to have been recently appointed as a Governor and am looking forward to working with the team and to making a positive contribution to the continuing success of South Craven School.
I currently work as an IT Project Manager for an international IT Technology Provider. My professional background is in Financial Services and IT and have worked within this sector for over 25 years in a variety of roles. I am also a Company Director of an IT project management company. I believe that I can use the skills and experience I have gained over the years to assist in my role as Governor; particularly within the spheres of financial management, project management and planning."
Mrs Ruth Arslan |
Sixth Form & Careers Progression |
"I am delighted to have been recently appointed as a Governor and am looking forward to working with the team and making a positive contribution to the continuing success of South Craven School.
I qualified as an accountant 15 years ago with ACCA. I have worked for Skipton Building Society for the last 11 years in the Finance team in a number of roles and work with a lot of other teams within the Society in my Business Partnering role. My experience is primarily Financial Services, but I have worked in Retail and Mining too. I also have a passion for helping people to be more financially savvy and aware and have supported Business students at Craven College with improving their understanding.
My specific interests as a governor for South Craven School are around further education, careers and making sure students are ready for their move out into the big wide world. I have a daughter in Year 12 and a 3-year-old in nursery so am also keen to make the school a better place for future generations."
Mrs Amer Sarai |
Website, Stakeholders & Parental Engagement |
“I am delighted and feel very privileged to be a governor of South Craven School. I am married, with two children who attend the school and who themselves chose South Craven as their Secondary school. As a family we also Foster which is very rewarding, and we also like to explore the local countryside, as well as engaging in arts and cultural experiences.
My career started as an Arts Officer for Bradford Council in 1991, having completed an Arts Degree and for 18 years, I worked on arts projects through ‘social practice’, with all sections of the community; locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. I moved across to the Education sector in 2009, for Bradford LEA and I currently work within the School Standards and Performance Department of Children’s Services. I manage a team called the Education Partnerships Team, which harnesses support from the whole community to help improve outcomes for children and young people. I support and challenge leaders to raise aspirations and build community cohesion both within the wider community and with local employers.
Studying part-time, I secured my teaching qualification (PG Dip Level 7) in 2015 and a Masters of Education in 2017, as a way to professionally develop myself. I also have experience of previously being an LEA governor in a Secondary School in Bradford.
My specific interests as a governor for South Craven School is around the curriculum, effective teaching and learning practice and collaborative work with external partners to raise students and parent’s aspirations.”
Mr Darren Minton |
Child Protection & Safeguarding |
“I am a former Police Superintendent of 30 years’ service. I retired from West Yorkshire Police in September 2018 as the Head of Safeguarding Governance for the fourth-largest force in the country, and was the Strategic Lead for protecting vulnerable people.
I was responsible and influential in ensuring the force improved its grading from “Requires Improvement” to a “Good” grading from Her Majesty’s inspectorate for the past two previous inspections, and was responsible for laying the foundations through the governance structures and audit regime that recently saw the force being awarded “Outstanding” in the recent inspection on Crime Data Integrity.
On two separate occasions I proposed important reform elements to UK legislation around sexual offences linked to Human Trafficking and unlicensed premises being used for the purpose of Child Sexual exploitation, both of which are now statute.
I have secured a reputation as a Policing Safeguarding Specialist.. Of note, I was influential in assisting in the Police response elements for the revised Working Together 2018 (a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children).
I have received many awards for my work with safeguarding and have recently been working with the Home Office on supporting victims of Domestic abuse and the Management of Sex and Violent Offenders utilising technology.
In October 2020 I will take up my new role with Bradford Council as the Safeguarding Partnership Business lead. I am hoping to make a positive contribution and challenge to the continued success of South Craven School.”
Parent Trustees |
Mrs MaryAnne Loiacano |
Behaviour & Attendance |
"It is a privilege and great honour to be elected Parent Governor of South Craven School. As a parent of two children at the school, I am keen to support the school and add to the success and reputation it holds.
I currently work for a Local Authority in Children’s Social Care as well as being an Emotional Wellbeing Advisor to students in schools. I have held various roles working with children, young people and families for 15 years, including in education.
I believe the diverse experiences that I have will play a significant part in my role as Parent Governor, particularly parental involvement in their children's learning having an impact on behaviour and attendance."
Mr Brendan Simpson |
Curriculum |
"I feel privileged to have been appointed a School Governor for South Craven School. I have a son and a daughter who both attend the school.
I have worked in health and social care for 20 years in a variety of roles. I have worked in quality and compliance for eightyears, and I am currently the Head of Quality and Compliance for a national disability charity. I have recently gained a Level 5 Coaching Professional qualification which involved coaching people in the workplace.
I am passionate about school improvement and achieving the best possible outcomes for all pupils. I believe the skills I have developed within these roles, particularly continuous improvement, monitoring progress and preparing for inspection activity can be applied to the role of school governor.
I am eager to support South Craven School to continue to improve upon its current successes."
Staff Representatives |
Mrs Kika Masters |
Finance, Audit and Risk |
"I was appointed Facilities and Contracts Manager in September 2012 and became a Staff Governor in May 2013. I report to Governors any issues relating to the Premises, Health, Safety and Security. I also project manage capital projects on site as well as oversee the day to day maintenance and cleaning of the school site. My responsibility is to ensure a safe and well maintained environment for teaching and learning.
I have previously worked in the Civil Service and for Royal Mail in a number of administrative and management roles. My skills and experience include operational management, industrial engineering, project management, compliance and inspection."
Ex-Officio Trustee |
Mr Martyn Hill |
Headteacher |
“As Headteacher, I am automatically a governor. The Governors play a vital role in running the school and hold me and the Senior Team accountable. However, as a Governor, I am fully tied into all decisions and certain powers are delegated to me, such as staff appointments up to a certain level of seniority.
We work hard as a governing body to ensure the very positive attitude and approach that you can see in the school is also reflected in our work.”