Ethos, Values and Equality Objectives

As a school we recognise our responsibility to provide young people with the skills and qualities they need to respond to the challenges of a fast-changing world.

As a comprehensive school we believe in equal value and ensuring all students, regardless of ability or background, have the best opportunities to achieve their potential. Our school tagline, “valuing all our successes”, encapsulates this ethos.

South Craven Learner

We promote our South Craven Learner principles of CourageEnquiry and Growth and South Craven Learner Wheelfocuses on preparing our students for life as active and productive citizens. We believe our students should possess these three traits to develop into well-rounded individuals. It is embedded firmly into our curriculum and underpins everything we do.

We believe our students should possess these three traits to develop into well-rounded individuals.

Within these principles, there are nine traits which we expect all students to apply to their academic and everyday life:


  • Take risks
  • Never give up
  • See failure as a learning opportunity


  • Be curious
  • Be creative and imaginative
  • Take all opportunities


  • Respond to feedback
  • Be reliable and respectful
  • Take responsibility for your own progress

The ‘South Craven Learner wheel’ can be found all around school; from outside the school gates to classrooms and offices.

Students should recognise and understand the importance of the South Craven Learner as a vital step of their South Craven journey.

Sixth Form PRIDE

As well as the South Craven Learner, our PRIDE ethos is introduced to our students when they join our Sixth Form. Just as we are proud of all that we do and offer, we want students to be proud of all they are and all they are trying to be.

We use the acronym PRIDE to define our Sixth Form ethos:

  • Prepared for all eventualities
  • Be Resilient in the face of challenge
  • Develop and exhibit Independence
  • Know their Destination
  • Strive for Excellence

Our Expectations at South Craven School


  • Arrive at school on time every day with the correct equipment.
  • Wear the school uniform correctly at all times (or, in the case of Sixth Form students, make sure clothing is appropriate and suitable for a place of work).
  • Follow school rules.
  • Work hard in lessons and ask for help if unsure.
  • Join in extracurricular activities and get involved with enrichment.
  • Show respect to students, staff, visitors, the wider community and the school site/facilities.
  • Model responsible behaviour.
  • Take pride in being a South Craven student.
  • Be aware of the importance of safeguarding and contact a Safeguarding Leader if they have a safeguarding concern.

Parents and Carers

  • Support students in their learning and progression.
  • Ensure students arrive to school on time every day with the correct equipment.
  • Support the school rules.
  • Contact the school or appropriate staff member if they have any issues or queries.
  • Ensure good communication between home and school, and update school if there are any changes to communication.
  • Encourage students to participate in extracurricular and enrichment activities, and support them whilst taking part.
  • Be aware of the importance of safeguarding and contact a Safeguarding Leader if they have a safeguarding concern.


  • Have a positive attitude in and out of the classroom.
  • Provide a safe environment for students to progress and learn.
  • Ensure the design of the curriculum is responsible to the needs of its learners.
  • Have a smart appearance.
  • Model (and expect) high standards of behaviour.
  • Provide innovative and exciting lessons and enrichment activities.
  • Be aware of the importance of safeguarding and contact a Safeguarding Leader if they have a safeguarding concern.
  • Ensure good communication is in place between home and school.
  • Promote the ethos of the South Craven Learner and Sixth Form PRIDE.

Red Kite RED Award

We are excited to announce that we are in the process of working RED Kite Award - Certificate of Commitment1.jpgtowards submitting an application for the Red Kite Alliance RED Award.

The RED Award has been developed to support schools in reviewing, strengthening and celebrating their provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion. Engagement with the award signals a clear commitment to place this agenda at the heart of our school. 

The Award provides a:

  • Framework which will allow us to evaluate our current provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion.
  • Route map to help us build on what we already do well, and plan actions to strengthen our provision and embed a cohesive, inclusive, respectful ethos across the entire school.
  • Vehicle for us to celebrate the richness and diversity of the whole school community.

We are currently at the first stage of submitting an initial application and look forward to successfully completing the Award. Although we are very proud of our current provision, we are keen to build on what we already do well.

We will keep you informed of our progress as we move through the application stages. We may also be in touch soon regarding a parent/student working group to get your views, input and ideas into how things are going.

South Craven School Red Award Commitment Pledge

Equality Objectives

South Craven School understands that, under the Equality Act 2010, all schools have a duty to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • Advance equality between different groups.
  • Foster good relations between different groups.
  • Promote mental health and wellbeing.

Our school’s overall values are underpinned by our statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010. We are dedicated to ensuring that every student receives an education that offers them the best chance at fulfilling their potential, and to promoting mental wellbeing amongst our students. We are committed to supporting and celebrating all students’ individual identities.

As a school, we will:

  • Continue to provide a school environment that welcomes, protects and respects people of all races, genders, sexualities and faiths by providing a rich curriculum and strong pastoral care.
  • Ensure the school closes the gaps in attainment and achievement between all groups of students, including boys and girls, disadvantaged students, students with SEND, Looked After Children and students from different heritage groups.
  • Ensure all students have the opportunity to benefit from the huge range of enrichment activities offered by the school, especially disadvantaged students and those who have SEND.
  • Eradicate the use of homophobic, sexist, transphobic, racist and other discriminator language in school.
  • Continue to ensure the school environment is accessible to all students, staff and visitors.